Illustrative Entwicklungspfade des Gebäude- und Heizungsbestandsadmin2024-12-23T15:25:47+01:00Dezember 23rd, 2024|
A heated debate – The future cost-efficiency of climate-neutral heating options under consideration of heterogeneity and uncertainty (MMO, BCZ, ORU)admin2024-12-06T08:30:02+01:00Dezember 6th, 2024|
Cost and cost distribution of policy-driven investments in decentralized heating systems in residential buildings in Germany (FAR, CFR, BCZ)admin2024-12-06T08:30:12+01:00Dezember 6th, 2024|
Kosten paralleler Verteilnetzinfrastrukturen (TSP, MWA, STE, CFR)admin2024-12-06T08:26:05+01:00Dezember 6th, 2024|
Integration von Abwärme – Perspektiven zur Integration von Abwärme in die Wärmeversorgung in NRW (TSP, PEM, MWA, NDI)admin2024-12-06T08:25:00+01:00Dezember 6th, 2024|